(Polish Lowland Sheepdog)
FCI-Standard Nº 251 / 07. 08. 1998 /GB |
TRANSLATION: Mrs. Peggy Davis ORIGIN: Poland Date of Publication of the original valid standard: 07.08.1998 UTILIZATION: Easy to handle, he works like a sheepdog and guard dog. Moved to urban city life, he is a very good companion dog. CLASSIFICATION F.C.I.: Group 1 Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs
(except Swiss Cattle Dogs) GENERAL APPEARANCE : The Polish Lowland Sheepdog is a dog of medium size, compact, B, muscular, with a thick long coat. His well groomed coat gives an attractive and interesting appearance. IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS : The proportions of height at withers to length of body is 9 : 10. The ratio length of muzzle to length of skull is 1 : 1; yet the muzzle can be a little shorter. BEHAVIOUR AND TEMPERAMENT : Of a lively but tempered disposition, vigilant, agile, intelligent, perceptive and gifted with a good memory. Resistant to unfavourable climatic conditions. HEAD : Medium dimension, proportional, not too heavy. The thick fur on the forehead, the cheeks and the chin give the head a look of being heavier than it really is. CRANIAL REGION: FACIAL REGION: NECK : Of medium length, B, muscled, without dewlap, carried rather horizontally. BODY: TAIL: LIMBS FOREQUARTERS : Seen in profile and from the front : Vertical
and straight. Stance well balanced due to a strong skeleton (bone
structure). HINDQUARTERS : Seen from behind: Vertical, well angulated. GAIT/ MOVEMENT : Easy and ground covering. Walk or trot smooth (without much vertical displacement). The dog often ambles when he walks slowly. SKIN : Tight fitting, without any folds. COAT HAIR : The whole body covered with coarse hair, dense, thick, and profuse; soft undercoat. Straight or slightly wavy hair is acceptable. The hairs falling from the forehead cover the eyes in a characteristic manner. COLOUR : All colours and patches are acceptable. SIZE : FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree. N.B.: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum. |